Anonymous Mavs Owner: All Star Weekend Should Host Gladiator Battle to the Death

“I’ve always been a big idea guy,” the Dallas-based owner told the Closeout on Wednesday. “I’ve got millions invested in hundreds of businesses. I was a big proponent of the Bubble. We need to make big ideas happen in this league. For hundreds of years, the biggest events in the world were gladiator battles. WhatContinue reading “Anonymous Mavs Owner: All Star Weekend Should Host Gladiator Battle to the Death”

Local Man is Ready to Put the ‘Goat Debate’ To End

Even though throughout the years the ‘Goat’ debate has been as definitive and non-subjective as it gets, local resident, Steven Aloske, is ready to give his two cents. Aloske, 31, in the day-time toils away as a Sales Associate at Lids, however, one to two times a week likes to browse basketball reference. “Whether it’sContinue reading “Local Man is Ready to Put the ‘Goat Debate’ To End”

The Legend of the Dancing Bear

Admitelly, I have a serious issue when it comes to sports that blinds my analysis, a deep love for scrubs. While they realistically have no future within the NBA my naive mind holds onto unrealistic hope for their potential. If this two-way player can just develop a jump shot, ball handling skills, playmaking ability, greatContinue reading “The Legend of the Dancing Bear”