Local Man is Ready to Put the ‘Goat Debate’ To End

Even though throughout the years the ‘Goat’ debate has been as definitive and non-subjective as it gets, local resident, Steven Aloske, is ready to give his two cents. Aloske, 31, in the day-time toils away as a Sales Associate at Lids, however, one to two times a week likes to browse basketball reference. “Whether it’s browsing the stats page or twitter accounts such as @GoatSznKingLBJ, staying as unbiased as possible and focusing solely on stats is the key to me,” Aloske told The Closeout. Although The Closeout reached out to Aloske back on October 9th, he claimed he needed nights to sleep on it. After much unrest at the office, Aloske finally got back to us early this morning.

This is the statement Aloske provided;

“Despite the variety of stats in favor of either participants, after digging deep the ‘GOAT’ debate is clear and obvious. Back in 1992, I waited outside of Chicago Stadium dressed head to toe in Bulls gear and a jersey and sharpie in hand. As the players began to file out of the arena, here came my favorite player, Michael Jeffery Jordan. “Hey Mike, I love you man, do you think I could get an autograph.” My words echoed off the parking lot walls. I watched as Michael Jordan turned, looked me dead in the eyes, and put his head down and walked away. From that day one I vowed to never support him again. Given that Lebron James has never ignored my autograph attempt, Lebron James is officially the undisputed GOAT. 

Aloske begged for us to get him a Lebron James autograph. 

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